configConfig repository81 min.
sf-jobsLocal job repository5 months
zuul-jobsThe repository copy5 months
ansible/ansible-role-grafanaAn Ansible role for the Grafana dashboard server2 years
ansible/ansible-role-httpdAn Ansible role for the Apache HTTPD Webserver7 years
ansible/ansible-role-prometheus-alertmanagerAn Ansible role for the Prometheus AlertManager server3 years
ansible/ansible-role-prometheus-apache-exporterAn Ansible role for the Prometheus apache exporter16 months
ansible/ansible-role-prometheus-blackbox-exporterAn Ansible role for the Prometheus blackbox exporter8 months
ansible/ansible-role-prometheus-node-exporterAn Ansible role for the Prometheus node exporter3 years
ansible/ansible-role-prometheus-serverAn Ansible role for the Prometheus server3 years
DLRNDLRN Continuous Delivery platform for OpenStack Packages6 days
dlrnapi_clientPython client for the DLRN API3 months
ansible-collection-community-cryptoAn Ansible collection for community.crypto11 months
ansible-collection-community-generalAn Ansible collection for community.general2 months
ansible-collection-community-kubernetesAn Ansible collection for community.kubernetes12 months
ansible-collection-community-libvirtAn Ansible collection for community.libvirt2 months
ansible-collection-containers-podmanAn Ansible collection for containers.podman2 months
ansible-collection-dciAn Ansible collection for DCI-specific shared roles12 months
ansible-collection-kubernetes-coreAn Ansible collection for kubernetes.core3 months
ansible-playbook-dci-beakerAn Ansible playbook to install and configure an all-in-one beaker lab3 years
ansible-role-beakerAn Ansible role for Beaker ( )16 months
ansible-role-dci-cvpAn Ansible role that launch CVP16 months
ansible-role-dci-import-keysAn Ansible role that import keys for DCI Agent16 months
ansible-role-dci-rhel-ckiAn Ansible role that launch CKI for RHEL16 months
ansible-role-dci-rhel-ubiAn Ansible role that mirror UBI for RHEL16 months
ansible-role-dci-sync-registryAn Ansible role that sync DCI registry17 months
ansible-role-dci-validationsAn Ansible role that does pre-run checks11 months
beaker-lab-controllerThe container for the beaker-lab-controller16 months
beaker-serverThe container for the beaker-server17 months
dci-agentThe DCI agent8 years
dci-analyticsDCI Analytics3 weeks
dci-ansibleDCI Ansible modules and callback3 weeks
dci-blogThe official blog for the DCI project2 weeks
dci-cnf-agentDCI Agent for CNF3 years
dci-control-serverDistributed-CI Control-Server3 days
dci-dev-envDCI Developement environment5 weeks
dci-docThe official documentation for the DCI project3 weeks
dci-downloaderDCI downloader3 months
dci-elasticDCI with elasticsearch6 years
dci-infraBunch of ansible modules to manage dci public infra23 hours
dci-infra-data-quickstartAnsible configuration files for quickstart16 months
dci-kni-agentDCI Agent for Kubernetes Native Infrastructure5 years
dci-lab-controllerDCI lab controller for provisioning systems3 years
dci-openshift-agentDCI Agent for Openshift2 hours
dci-openshift-app-agentDCI Agent for Openshift Application7 days
dci-openstack-agentDCI Agent for OpenStack8 months
dci-packagingScripts to ease DCI packaging2 months
dci-pipelineDCI Pipeline3 days
dci-quayDCI Quay3 years
dci-releaseSpec file for DCI repository configuration16 months